ag bor på 11:e våningen i studentboendet "Ungbee Gwan". Jag har redan beskrivit boendet lite snabbt, men här är lite mer bilder innefrån mitt rum, matsalen, gymmet, mataffären m.m.
The view from my room
At night

Placement of my room, gym, dining hallu & food shop
A regular meal in Ungbee Gwan. Rice with kimchi (the red thing in the middle), mini fishes (to the left), some kind of potatoes (to the right), a soup and some milk.The dining hall
The gym
The food shop
My bed is to the right
And some Oreo of course!!
I live on the 11th floor in the dormitory called "Ungbee Gwan". I have already described the living quickly but here are some more pictures from my room, the dining hall, the gym, food shop etc.
Everything is looking very good!