söndag 29 april 2012


I helgen åkte vi och besökte huvudstaden Seoul. Jag min rumskamrat Shimpei och 8 andra åkte dit för att kolla på de gamla palatsen från de tre kungarikena, presidentens residens, traditionella koreanska hus, och mycket mycket mer. 

Seoul är världens näst största storstadsområde, med ca 25 miljoner invånare i storstadsområdet och 10,2 miljoner i stadskärnan. Bara Tokyo är större, med 35 miljoner i storstadsområdet och 13,1 miljoner i stadskärnan.

Utöver tidigare nämnda sevärdheter så tog vi oss en båttur på Han floden, som rinner genom hela Seoul, vi tog oss upp i Seoul Tower (Ett torn som reser sig 480 m över havsnivå), vi kollade på "change of gatekeeper"-ceremonin (utbyte av portväktarna il ett av templen) där fick vi också testa den traditionella koreanska nationaldräkten "hanboken"

(Klicka på bilerna för att förstora dem)
 The guard ceremony
 Trying to find the way in Seoul Metro, it is the second biggest in the world

 Me and one friend in the Hanbok
The guard ceremony

 Main street in Seoul, the Gyeongbokgung palace in the background

 The Presidential residence, it is called the Blue house and is home for the president Lee Myung-Bak

Me and Shimpei were quite tired

 War memorial museum

Seoul theatre 

Boattour on Han river

63 building, the talles gold cladded building in the world, 250 m The goerne

 Seoul tower
 Views from over Seoul

In the weekend we visited the capital, Seoul. Me my roommate Shimpei and 8 other people went together to Seoul to get to see the old Royal palaces, the presidential residence, traditional Korean houses and a lot more.

Seoul is the worlds second largest big city area with around 25 million people, and with 10 million people in the main city. Only Tokyo is bigger with 35 million people in the whole city area and with in the 

Except the above mentioned attractions we went for a trip on the Han river, which flows through the whole city, we went to the Seoul tower (it is 480 m above sea level), we watched the "change of gatekeeper- ceremony (it is the change of the gatekeeper for one of the temples which we visited) there we also tried on Koreas traditional clothes the "Hanbok". 

(Press on the picture to enlarge them)

onsdag 25 april 2012

Champions League

Efter två nervfyllda omgångar av UEFA Champions League (Barca-Chelsea, Madrid-Bayern) så var det dags för asiatiska motsvarigheten Hyoweon League, som är en minst lika stor turnering som Champions League. . .

På riktigt så är Hyoweon League namnet på Pusans universitetets fotbollsturnering. Den spelas mellan de olika fakulteten i universietet. Eftersom jag tillhör Aerospace så spelade jag också för det laget. Aerospacestudenterna ställdes mot Matematikerna i 16-delsfinalen. Matchen slutade med en 3-2 vinst för Aerospace, vilket var en stor nyhet i hela Aerospace fakultetet!

På fredag kommer vi att åka till Seoul!!

The name of the team is "Mach", we play in German jerseys because they are the best ;-)

 Aerospace Headquarters

After two nervy games of Uefa Champions League, the asian counterpart Hyoweon League took place, it is as famous as Champions League. . .

For real the Hyoweon League is just the Pusan university football league. It is played between the departments in the university. I belong to the Aerospace department so I also played for them. We met the Mathematical department, and the Aerospace students left the fields as winners, we won with 3-2

On Friday we will go to Seoul!!!

måndag 23 april 2012

Busan City

Busan is a bustling city with 3,5 million people, their metro consists of 130 stations compared to Stockholms 100 stations. Busan is very famous for its beaches, Gwangali beach and Haeundae beach. The last mentioned is very well known throughout whole Korea, it is considered as the best beach in Korea. It even has its own movie: Tidal wave aka Haeundae. Haeundae also holds the world record of the Largest number of beach umbrellas on one beach. In the week we took the tour bus where we saw both Gwangali beach and Haeundae beach. And we also took a closer look on the famous bridge 

The building with "I'Park" written on it has one of Koreas most expensive apartments

Night view on Gwangan bridge

onsdag 18 april 2012

Beautiful Busan

Idag tillägnades hela dagen åt sightseeing, vilket var mycket skönt efter allt plugg. Jag åkte till Yonggungsa tempel, vilket var ett av de finaste templem jag sett, den är byggd på klipporna precis vid kusten. 

Efter det for jag till APEC-house, som ligger precis intill en av Koreas mest välkända stränder Haeundae. APEC står för Asian Pasific Economic Coorperation, vilket är en organisation för alla nationer som har kust till Stilla Havet. De hade ett av sina möten i Busan (2005), ledare som Putin, Bush, mm deltog. Utsikten därifrån var helt fantastisk, man kan få sig en riktig bra bild på den kända bron "Diamond bridge", Gwangan bridge.

 This is all the creatures from the Chinese astrology, (the dragon, the horse etc)

 The entrance to the temple area

 If you would like a son you should put your hands on the buddhas belly
Buddhastatue just beside the water

 This little statue should be clean three times for good luck!
 My man "Buddha"

 Some lucky pigs
 This is on the way to the APEC-house, this is the missing mermaid 
 The light house located on the same island as the APEC-house
 The APEC-house
 This is where all the big leaders from the APEC organisation sat
 Gwangan Bridge (Diamond bridge)

 Haeundae beach, now it is no people here, but in summer it will be hard to find somewhere to stand...

An overlook on eastern Busan

Today the whole day was dedicated for sightseeing, it was very nice after all the hard study. I went to the Yonggungsa tempel, which was one of the nicest temples that I've seen, it is built on the rocks just beside the seashore.

After that I went to the APEC-house (Asian Pasific Economic Coorperation), which is just beside one of Koreas most famous beaches Haeundae. The view from there were amazing, I could some very nice pictures on the famous bridge "Diamond bridge", Gwangan bridge