onsdag 26 september 2012

Storforsen one great river in Sweden

Not so far from my uni town Luleå is one of themost violent rivers in Europe, Storforsen. The LTU buddy program organised a trip to this river for everyone so most exchange students went there. We spent around 3 hours at this beautiful place, I didn't even know that this kind of place exists in Sweden... 

After a 2 h busride we arrived to Storforsen, this is the rocky landscape just before the big river.

 The river
 Getting a good picture meant crossing a lot of small rivers in order to get close the big one, sometimes it was easier getting there than returning back to dry land... 

Some exchangestudents and me

Some hot dogs!

Of course I had to take a swim in this clean river(even though it was quite cold...) , you can drink the water directly from the river! 

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